** Indicates new or revised rule
1. Each family represented in the Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show is required to pay a $10.00 yearly family membership fee or $100.00 lifetime membership. This is your contribution to help create and improve our show activities.
2. The Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show reserves to its Board of Directors the final right to interpret these rules and questions and differences regarding or otherwise arising out of or connect with or incident to the show, and the right to amend or add to these rules as its judgement may determine. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than seven and no more than 15 members from the county.
3. Any false representation, interference, unethical conduct, or violation of any of the following rules will result in a forfeit of all privileges and premiums and be barred from showing in the Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show. Reinstatement of this privilege shall come by the decision of the Board of Directors. The use of drugs, stimulants, or alcohol will be banned from use on the show grounds.
4. No claim for injury to any person or property shall ever be asserted nor suit instituted or maintained against the Limestone County Fair Association, its officers, or agents by or on behalf of any persons exhibiting at the Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show. The Limestone County Fair Association shall not be held responsible for any injury or damage to property or persons attending or exhibiting at the Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show.
5. EXHIBITOR DIVISIONS SHALL BE: SENIOR (9th-12th); JUNIOR (4th-8th); & PEE-WEE (K-3rd). EXHIBITORS MUST BE A 4-H OR FFA MEMBER. EXHIBITORS HAVE TO BE INVOLVED IN 4-H OR FFA AND HAVE ATTEND THREE (3) MEETINGS. Pee-Wee (K-3rd) are eligible to show and will be supervised by a designated Superintendent. ALLexhibitors must permanently reside in Limestone County and/or be enrolled in a Limestone County school, grades K-12. 4-H & FFA membership must be achieved by 10/31/24. Members must be in good standing by attending at least 3 meetings or sanctioned events in their enrolled chapter, prior to the 2025 Fair. Verification will be by official sign-in sheet.
6. All exhibitors must own and exhibit their animal. Substitution of showmen are allowed only for exhibitors having 2 or more animals in the same class or with a verified doctor’s excuse. The Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show will enforce no pass-no play rule during the show. If the student is eligible to show, he/she will be eligible to sell. It is the responsibility of the schools or Agricultural Science Teachers to check grades. There will be no substitutions of showmen for failing students. Substitutions are also permitted with excused school functions or UIL events, with Board approval.
7. Exhibitors may validate as many projects as they desire to own and care for; however, may only show 2 animals/entries per division. (Refer to General Rule #14).
8. **Exhibitors must be registered with and register each project with If registering multiple exhibitors for one animal under the family rule, each family member must be listed for that animal. Entry fees and membership fees must be paid on or to the Fair Association by 11:59 p.m. on the last validation date for that entry. All exhibitors’ registration and entry information must be verified by an Agriculture Science Teacher or Extension Agent. Entry fee and final entry date will be the current dates as set by the Fair Association. (See dates at end of rules). No entry will be accepted unless: it is accompanied by the entry fee; membership form, waiver form, and drug policy forms; the family membership is paid, or the family are lifetime members. All entries must be approved by LCFA.
9. **Market and breeding animals can be validated for a family instead of an individual exhibitor. If an entry is being validated for a family, the entry shall be placed under one exhibitor’s name, with all eligible exhibitors in the family listed in the entry. The exhibitor must declare the animals they will show at the time of check-in at the fair.
10. All projects must be owned, in the possession of the exhibitor and fed by the exhibitor during the feeding period. No other individual will care for the animal during the feeding period.
11. No entry fees will be refunded.
12. All protests must be made in writing to the Superintendent within one (1) hour of incident and a deposit of $100.00 (cash) must be made which will be forfeited if protest is not sustained.
13. Exhibitors must furnish feed, care for, and keep animals in a presentable condition while on the show grounds – any violations will be subject to board review.
14. Divisions of the Fair will be as follows:
Market Division Breeding Division
A. Market Steers A. Halter Heifers
B. Pen of 2 B. Breeding Rabbits
C. Market Swine C. Breeding Swine
D. Market Lambs D. Breeding Lambs
E. Market Goats E. Breeding Goats
F. Market Rabbits
G. Market Broilers
H. Market Turkeys
I. Family & Consumer Health
J. Ag Mechanics
15. A “class” is defined as one of two or more groupings derived from a division as the division is broken down into smaller more manageable or judgeable units. A class will be formed into units based on factors such as: number of projects, weight, and age. Classes will be broken by the Fair Board at natural weight breaks.
16. Ribbons and Trophies will be awarded at the time of showing. Prize money will be awarded following the show.
17. Superintendents of each division will have full and complete charge of all livestock in their respective division. Each Superintendent will be responsible for their division at validation and show including help, arrangements, setup, and delivery of animals in their divisions.
18. The Superintendent, and at least 2 designated assistants, will be present in the ring during the show. NO OTHER INDIVIDUAL will be allowed to enter the ring once the exhibitor steps through the show gate. Disqualification of the exhibitor will be at the discretion of the board.
19. Any animal standing in a class by itself will be moved to the closest class fitting its qualifications at the discretion of the show officials.
20. Animals must be trained to lead and/or show. Proof of demonstration will be required at check-in/weigh-inby the exhibitor, or another eligible exhibitor, Ag Teacher, Extension Agent. NO PARENTS (i.e., demonstration of showmanship), with the exception of the Pen of 2. See General Rule #14. UNRULY ANIMALS WILL BE DISMISSED FROM THE SHOW GROUNDS BY THE SUPERINTENDENT. Disqualified animals must also be removed from the show grounds.
21. There will be no breeding of livestock on the show grounds.
22. **When grooming all livestock, no foreign color shall be added to the hair coat.
24. All animals must meet requirements concerning health as set forth by the Texas Animal
Health Commission.
25. All projects shall be in place by the time designated by the rules under the appropriate division. If said projects are not in its appropriate place by third call, it and its owner will be disqualified.
26. All students who are planning to exhibit livestock in the Limestone County Fair & Youth Livestock Show will notify the Agricultural teachers or County Agent upon receiving their project.
27. All exhibitors are requested to dress appropriately for the show. The dress of the exhibitor will affect showmanship.
28. If an exhibitor shows two animals in the same class, the person showing the second animal must be an eligible exhibitor. If entered under the family rule, then another eligible exhibitor in the family must show that animal.
29. All market animals will be weighed one time only during weigh-in. If the Superintendent or
exhibitor has a question regarding the weight, the animal can be taken off the scale, scale can
be re-balanced, and animal re-weighed immediately.
30. If bedding is used on the grounds, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to remove bedding/trash after the show. Failure to remove bedding/trash from the assigned stall will cause a $25.00 cleanup bill to be charged. Pens will be assigned and $25.00 will be deducted from the sale proceeds. Each Livestock Superintendent will inspect their pens after the show.
31. There will be a Breeding Swine, Breeding Ewe, Breeding Goat and/or Breeding Rabbit Show ONLY if there is a minimum of 5 entries.
32. Projects will be washed in designated washing areas ONLY. Prior to classifications all animals must be cleaned.