The Limestone County Fair Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with the purpose of helping the youth of our community. We have diligently worked since 2001 to sustain a commission-free auction driven by the proceeds obtained from raffle tickets sales, concession stand profits and most importantly, from the generous contributions of local community members through various fund raising events and business sponsorships. The LCFA Board is fully comprised of volunteers that have a heart for agriculture and seeing our youth succeed. The Limestone County Fair Association membership is open to anyone who resides in Limestone County without regards to race, creed, color, or religious affiliation; each member has the option to purchase a Lifetime Family Membership or Yearly Family Membership.
The Limestone County Fair Association does not own the Limestone County Fairgrounds. We reserve the facilities each year to provide the youth of Limestone County an opportunity to grow in the field of agriculture and Family and Consumer Health.